Which function does the paid version of xyxle offer?

Additional features, subscription, basic version, free version

Updated over a week ago

The paid version of xyxle includes the following features.

Any number of connections

You can connect them with countless partners. xyxle distinguishes two types of connections: Intra-Platform and Extra-Platform.

  • Intra-Platform connections are connections with partners who have their own account on xyxle, for example Coop.

  • Extra-Platform connections are connections via gateways with partners, not directly operating an account on xyxle, for example trustbox or GDSN. For these connections additional costs may arise.

PDF article pass

You can create a PDF data passport from the recorded data, in the respective stored language


You can provide a link to make your original product data available to a buyer, consumer, quality assurance or other partners for viewing

You can add and save notes to all your own articles

xyxle gives you the possibility to search for M and X codes more easily

Use of interfaces (import/export)

  • Tailored to their needs: We program an interface (according to expenditure), which is exactly tailored to your needs.

  • REST: You have access to a REST interface and can program an interface without our intervention

  • XLS download and upload: You can also download the data you have entered into an xls and upload it again

Do you also receive data

Ask your suppliers to declare the information you need on xyxle and make it available to you.

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