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Product Groups
Updated over 12 months ago

What is this new feature and how can I use it ?

This new feature is used to create distinct groups to organize your products and group similar items together for better organization and management. This can be used to control user access by linking them to the relevant groups, limiting their visibility to products within those groups.

You can find this under the Authentication tab -> Product Groups.

In order for users of a certain account to use this new function, they will need to be assigned with this function by the admin of the mentioned account. You can see below what box you will need to check in order to activate this.

How can I use this new feature ?

For you to create a new Product Group, as mentioned above, you will need to go to Authentication tab -> Product Groups. Here you will click on the "Create new" button which will pop-up the tab below.

You will need to add a new name for your group, and also a short description if you want. This can be done in several languages, depending on what you need.

After creating a new Product group, it will appear like this:

For this example, you can see the date this has been created, the name, the description, the translations been made and the number of users included for this Product Grup.

In the right part, you have 3 actions:

  • View, which will open the below tab and you can see the data.

  • Edit, which will open the below tab and you can edit the data.

  • Delete, which will delete the selected Product Group.

Is it mandatory to assign a new article to a certain Product Group ?

No, as you can see below, you have the option to pick a Product Group when creating an article and directly assign it. But you can also create a new article and assign it in the future when you have created a new Product Group to fit your needs.

What are the functionalities of this new feature?

After creating Product Groups as shown before, you can start using this feature in your Own Items tab. You can see the Product Groups in the right part of a article, and you will need to click on the "Assign product to groups" in order for an article to be assigned/or deleted to a group you have already created.

In the above picture, you can see the arrow with orange points to an article that is assigned to one Product Group. The blue arrow points to an item which is assigned to 2 Product Groups, which means you can have an article in several groups, and you can see this detail in the right part.

You can also filter the Product Groups, so you can better see which articles are part of a certain group. Below you can see I have chosen one group which has just one article.

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